令人不快的冬季天气也可能使您的化妆品弄脏。如果您想阻止这种不幸的情况发生,那么明智的做法是在化妆后立即进行化妆。良好的整理粉可以有效地达到此目的。Ben Nye可以根据您的肤色选择多种整理粉,其中香蕉粉是最受欢迎的。化妆定型喷雾也可以非常好地工作。
Helpful Winter Makeup and Beauty Tips
The groundhogs might not have seen their shadows this year, but many places across the US are still dealing with blustery winter weather. Sure, the colder winter weather can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a real hassle in the beauty and makeup arena. If you want to keep unsightly winter skin dryness and redness at bay, among other issues, there are a number of helpful tips out there waiting for you.
In the wintertime, complexions that are red and flushed may just seem like the bane of your existence. Windburn just isn't cute on anyone. If you want to decrease redness of your complexion prior to applying any type of foundation, a salve or emollient can save the day for you. Look for a salve or emollient that is thick and packed with moisture. This type of product can deeply hydrate your skin and keep unsightly signs of redness and irritation far, far away. If you want to stop redness from interfering with your otherwise immaculate makeup look, cover your face and neck with a scarf or hood when you're out in the frigid temperatures. Moisturizing creams that contain soothing components can also often do wonders for reducing redness.
If your facial redness is restricted to just a tiny section, it may help to put a color correcting concealer on it to hide the issue.
Watery eyes are yet another unfortunate reality of the winter months. If you want to stop watery eyes from ruining your impeccable eye makeup, help is indeed available. Don't let snow, sleet, hail and aggressive winds make your mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner look like a total nightmare. The solution is easy. Simply invest in a nice mascara that's waterproof. If you want to make sure your eye shadow and eyeliner don't smear and start to look awful, restrict use of those makeup items exclusively to your top lids.
Maintaining a soft, smooth and glowing complexion in the wintertime is all about ample moisture. Not many things can be more unattractive and more annoying than those telltale flakes and rough patches that pop up all over your face during the dry and cold months of the year. If you want to make sure that dryness stays out of your life (and doesn't ruin your killer makeup look), put a moisturizing and nourishing facial mask on after you wash your face at night. A nice and hydrating formula may just do the trick for you. You should keep the mask on for anywhere between five and 15 minutes or so. It can also help a lot to put a night cream on your face. Simply rinse any remnants of the cream off your face as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Unpleasant winter weather can also cause your makeup to smudge. If you want to stop that unfortunate scenario from occurring, then it may be wise to set your makeup right after you put it on. A good finishing powder can be effective for this purpose. Ben Nye has a huge selection of finishing powders to choose from depending on your skin tone, with Banana Powder being the most popular. A makeup setting spray can also work extremely well.
If you want to find terrific makeup and skincare products that will keep your complexion looking fantastic all winter long, be sure to check out the large selection we have available on our website. Looking great all winter long doesn't have to be tough!
彩色的世界 让冬季不那么单调